search tools Search tools
Search is a program that searches files matching user specified criteria, executing specific actions on the files matching the criteria.
It is possible to specify the text to search, the pattern of the filename (that can include wildcards like * and ?), it is possible to specify a recursive search and if the search has to be casesensitive. It is also possible to specify a range for the filesize and for the time stamp of the files.

The release 0.3 provides the following actions on the files that meet search criteria:

  • Copy files to folder
  • Move files to folder
  • Delete files
  • Touch files
  • Replace files

Click here to download the release 0.3 of search.jar

The program has been verified with the operating systems Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

The program requires J2SE 1.5, you can launch the program using one of the following methods:
  • Click twice on the file search.jar, after you have downloaded it in your local filesystem
  • Unpack the file search.jar e start run.bat in a DOS window
  • Execute the following command: java -jar search.jar
Java sources are included in the file search.jar. You can compile the program after having unpacked search.jar by executing the following command:

	javac -d . *.java

Screenshot of the main window:

Screenshot of the dialog used to define search criteria:


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